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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) History
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been around since the 1970’s and was first used in an open-heart
surgery. In the 1990’s PRP was used to aid in bone healing after spinal injuries and soft tissue
recovery following plastic surgery. PRP has since evolved for so many other procedures such as
aesthetic facials, joint regeneration, sexual dysfunction, bladder dysfunction and so much more.
PRP is a biological substance made by the body and it does not create an immune foreign
body response and does not carry the risk of allergic reactions.
How is it performed?
Your blood is drawn in a special tube with additives that separated the whole blood from
the platelets, and then placed in a centrifuge that spins it at a certain speed for separation.
Once the PRP is obtained it is then compounded with Calcium Chloride which aides in
breaking down platelets and release growth factors. The treatment area is numbed with
either a topical or injectable lidocaine for about 30 minutes, and the procedure takes
about an hour.
What to Expect After Your Treatment
You may have redness and what’s thought to be skin irritation but that is actually a good
thing as that’s the stimulation of collagen and the repair of old skin. Results are usually
seen around a week to 1 month. It is recommended to do a cycle of 3 sessions a year in
intervals of 30 days apart. PRP can be used alone or in combination with microneedling
depending on the needs or desires of the patient.
Who should get PRP?
PRP is recommended for those who are over 30 years old and want to avoid the first
signs of aging but is provided for those in their 20’s too. It can improve wrinkles and
stimulate collagen in the elderly given them a boost of confidence. Despite this treatment
being safe, we consider some health conditions as a contraindication and may need
actions prior to PRP treatments.
Note: Those taking aspirin, or any other blood thinners, active infections, cancer or
pregnancy must obtain clearance to either stop those medications or approve proceeding
with the therapy. This is why consults are done prior to booking in order to assess the
appropriateness of the treatment.
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